Oh wow, here I am, making a newgrounds account. Quite frankly I never thought I'd come here, of all places, one day. "Newgrounds users are unhinged" they say. But hey, content warnings exist, and they seem to be very well used and enforced so... there's nothing to fear.
Most of the artstyles I've seen here so far are what I love to see, so I figured I might as well. And while I'm at it, I've got things to post, too...juuust gotta figure out the guidelines. I'm not the type to post NSFW at all, but my latest drawing... features a shirtless character, and the teens rating seems to only allow fully clothed charas. If anyone has an idea, let me know.
I'll probably have fun there. I've even seen games, that's interesting.
Welcome aboard the unhinged ship!
And about the rating question, it honestly depends if the character is male or female. Topless ladies are obviously rated M for mature.
He's male, drawing doesn't even have nips, due to his torso being transparent aha
I didn't expect to get an answer so fast though, are posts sorted by "recent" by default on here?